When Mrs. Heather became ill while caring for her husband, Your Elder Experts care manager Nancy had a profound impact on both of their lives.

A year ago, after fruitless struggling to find resources for my husband’s worsening Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinsonism, I became ill myself. The doctors taking care of my husband just did not give us the support and medical help that we desperately needed.

My daughter found Your Elder Experts and Nancy became a wonderful advocate for us. She opened all the doors and made all the connections that we could not. She provided emotional support, practical advice, and valuable warnings about the future path. 

With her help, we accomplished a smooth hospital admission that sorted out my husband’s medication needs. She found a good agency for us that supplied home health aides and all the durable and disposable equipment that we needed to keep him at home.

“Our care manager was with us through two hospitalizations, advocating for my husband, sorting out communications, and helping him get the best possible care.”

With her help we managed the next summer to get him up to New Hampshire for our daughter’s wedding. That was an incredible feat, way beyond the normal list of duties! When it became inevitable, because of his worsening disability, that he needed residential care, she found us a uniquely wonderful nursing home and guided us through the transition.

Through two subsequent hospitalizations for complications, she was with us advocating for him, sorting out communications, and helping him get the best possible care.

Nancy was constantly available by cell phone and email. On the rare occasions when she could not be, Your Elder Experts provided excellent backup.

We are so grateful for all she did for us. We could not have survived without her.

R. Heather
Newton, MA

If you or someone you care about is navigating the complexities of aging, Your Elder Experts can help.