When Sylvia's husband entered a nursing home, she found she could not keep up with her paperwork and estate planning on her own.

Sylvia, at 85, was living alone in her apartment. Her husband Saul, the love of her life, was in a nursing home for long-term care because of many medical complications. 

She needed help with filling out the Medicaid paperwork for her husband's nursing home. They had no children and seemingly no other relatives involved in their lives.

With the help of Your Elder Experts, Sylvia's last years were filled with both caring friends and professionals.

How We Helped Manage Attorneys and Estate Planning While Aging

Friends recommended that Sylvia call Your Elder Experts. Karen, Sylvia's Care Manager, referred her to an elder law attorney to do some estate planning. The attorney discovered that there was money to pay for her husband’s long-term care and for other care for Sylvia. In addition, he found a distant nephew was willing to get involved.

With the nephew as the power of attorney and Karen collaborating on decision-making, Karen helped Sylvia sort through her possessions, move to a nearby assisted living facility, grieve when her husband died, and arrange for appropriate medical follow-up for a cancerous ulcer on her leg.

Care Managers from Your Elder Experts continued to work with Sylvia, accompanying her to doctors’ appointments as her medical conditions fluctuated and eventually worsened and bonding with her around decision-making at the end of her life. Her spirit touched all who came in contact with her and, with the help of Your Elder Experts, her last years were filled with both caring friends and professionals.

If you or someone you care about is navigating the complexities of aging, Your Elder Experts can help.