When Mr. Stevens, an elder law attorney, discovered his client was struggling to manage his finances and maintain his home, he reached out to Your Elder Experts for help.

Mr. Stevens, an elder law attorney, had accepted a case that was supposed to be simple: create a will, a health care proxy, and a durable power of attorney for an 82-year-old man. In talking with the man, Mr. Stevens realized the older adult seemed unable to handle his finances or make decisions. 

He visited the man at home, where he lived alone, and noticed peeling wallpaper, leaks, and unkempt rooms. Mr. Stevens learned that the man’s out-of-town family had patched together help with cleaning and laundry services and had arranged for visiting nurse services after he had sustained a fall. However, it was not enough.

Your Elder Experts arranged a variety of services from scheduling rides to doctors’ visits and monitoring his medications to finding workers to make repairs around his house.

How We Helped Identify the Best Services

Mr. Stevens suggested a consultation with a Care Manager at Your Elder Experts. The Care Manager arranged for aging life neuro-psych testing to assess the man's mental status. His memory problems were not as severe as the attorney had feared.

But the older adult did need additional services to continue living safely alone in his home. Your Elder Experts arranged a variety of services from scheduling rides to doctors’ visits and monitoring his medications to finding workers to make repairs around his house.

Working with Mr. Stevens’ client, Your Elder Experts also kept in touch with the man’s family to assure them he was receiving excellent care.

If you or someone you care about is navigating the complexities of aging, Your Elder Experts can help.